2.6. International Response

2.6.1 International Joint Commission

The International Joint Commission (IJC) is a bi-national organization that was created under the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 to advise the governments of the United States and Canada on issues concerning water quality and quantity in the boundary waters between the two nations. The IJC monitors and assesses cleanup progress under the Treaty and advises governments on matters related to the quality of the boundary waters of the Great Lakes system. The Commission consists of six members, three appointed by the President of the United States, and three appointed by the Prime Minister of Canada.


2.6.2 Joint Contingency Plans

There are three Joint Contingency Plans with Canada that affect Region 5, CANUSCENT and CANUSPLAIN in the Inland Zone, and CANUSLAK on the waters of the Great Lakes and upper St. Lawrence River. All three plans provide instruction for dealing with accidental and unauthorized releases of pollutants that cause or may cause damage to the environment along the shared inland boundary and that may constitute a threat to the public health, property, or welfare.

The links below will lead you to these plans, or visit EPA's Emergency Response webpage: